Sep 30, 2020
How fast is your leadership pace these days? Are you running so fast that you don’t have any time for friends, family, reflection and growth? Are you sensing a lack of peace? Or are you in a slower season where it might be time to step back into a challenging vision again? Pastor Michael Todd discovered a surprising...
Sep 21, 2020
Our nation continues to be stirred by racial injustice and social unrest. At the Global Leadership Network, we recognize these are universal issues requiring leaders to step up and engage. Research shows increasing diversity on teams and in every sector of society improves productivity and moral, adding value within...
Sep 9, 2020
Over the course of your life and career, you have probably experienced a reset. Paula Faris’ reset came when she realized her high-flying career was clashing with the values she claimed to profess. So, she gave up two dream jobs in order to more fully live her purpose. Along the way, she discovered some insights into...